Last sunday, the 10th of July, we had our 5th annual Daisy doll convention, this time in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Of course I had tons of things to do, before getting there.
Thankfully Ralph organised the hotel and restaurant reservations.
Newsletters, organising who was taking what for the themed displays, getting prizes ready for the contests and making lists of goodie bag and prize table donations was my job. Oh, and of course some work on the convention doll, but I will get to that in a seperate post.
The lovely Ingie volunteered to take donations from non-attendees with her to the convention. Just a couple of days before the convention she had an accident in which she hurt her knee seriously, but she's a real though cookie, and managed to take everything with her on the boat and train.
To make it all a bit more fun for the non-attendees, I decided to also run a photo competition and an OOAK summer outfit swap on the Daisy World group on facebook.
shared first place with 7 votes for Helen |
shared first place with 7 votes for Veronica |
third place with 6 votes for me |
fourth place with 4 votes for Inge |
fifth place with 1 vote for Elaine | | | | | |
We had all the pictures on display at the convention:
The OOAK summer outfit swap on Daisy World:
So, I think the non attendees really had some good fun on the day too.
Back to the convention itself, this year I even managed to make nametags for each attendee:
Our best dressed attendee was our newcomer, Veronica:
Ralph started the day with a very interesting video in which we could
see Mary Quant and her team, also working on Daisy doll designs.
We had some lovely themed displays:
Summer and Beach display |
Summer and Beach display and some more coats |
Daisy's coats |
Daisy in tartan |
We also had an OOAK summer outfit swap at the convention
The prize table for the raffle prizes was really loaded with goodies:
Also some special various other items on display, and some happy chatting:
Ingie gave a repaint demonstration:
And then I gave a workshop how to make handbags with foldback clips, here's the finished result:
After lunch Ralph showed us another video with a Daisy ad which he had managed to track down, and after that he started his quiz, which he had promissed to make easier this year, but only turned out much more difficult than ever! Jo came first place this year.
Here's his quiz prize table:
I managed to grab the little box with cards, so now I can play Daisy memory.
Donna-Maree had managed to track down another tv-ad with Daisy and had sent us the link and made a quiz about it too.
Such a treat to see 3 Daisy related video's on a large screen!
Here's the link to the tv-ad she found:
Of course we also had some creative competitions.
As Edinburgh is the hometown of the Bay City Rollers, as first competition people had decided on a Bay City Roller songtitle outfit.
an overview of the Bay City Roller songtitle outfits |
Veronica's entry was hilarious, and got some fun comments, including one about gunning down a fellow competitor !
Bye, Bye Baby by Veronica |
Rock 'n Roller by Ingie, shared second place |
Money Honey by Ralph |
Rebel, Rebel by me, first place |
Money Honey by Helene, shared second place |
Rock 'n Roller by Laila |
We also had a competition for accesories:
an overview of the accesories competition |
rose necklace by Ralph, shared first place |
floral hat by Laila, shared third place |
scarf by Veronica, shared third place |
hat and handbag by Ingie |
beaded handbag by me, shared third place |
Scottish Jewellery by Helene, shared first place |
And we also had a Fair Isle or Arran sweater knitting contest:
an overview of the knitting contest |
Fair Isle sweater by Laila, first place |
Arran sweater by Veronica and her mum, second place |
Arran outfit by Helene |
Fair Isle sweater by me |
So many talented and creative people at our convention! Congratulations to all the prize winners!
I would like to make a special mention of an outfit Helen created for the Bay City Roller songtitle contest, but in the end she couldn't attend the convention, due to unforeseen circumstances.
The song title that she chose was 'All Of Me Loves All Of You' & the
premise was that Daisy is such a big fan of the BCR's that she has
dressed from head to toe as a BCR in homage to them:
Of course there was also the official presentation of this years convention doll:
We also got a wonderful goodie bag, the bag was made by Vicky and filled by each attendee, and some non attendees as well. Our Daisy community is SO generous!
All in all it was a glorious day!