Many online stores will also offer huge discounts around this time.
This also happened at Tonner, a site-wide 40% off sale.
There were a few dolls I had my eyes on, but the one I really wanted the most, was Birla.
She's from the Deja Vu-line, and although most of them didn't really speak to me, this one did.
One of the things I like about her is that her eyes are somewhat larger than those of most other Deja-Vu's, another thing I like is that her facepaint is really very natural.

And maybe most of all: She's a Viking!

I managed to sell some other dolls, and before the sale ended, I caved......
She was sent to one of my lovely USA friends, who forwarded her to me.
But, of course due to Christmas post, my poor Birla got stuck at Chicago O'Hare airport from the 15th of December until after this year had started. On the 4th of January (my birthday!), she finally arrived in my country, and yesterday she got delivered!
I must admit I'm all excited about her.
I took a few quick piccies, but didn't have much time for play.
Today I just had to take her out again, and see how she and my OOAK Viking Daisy would look like together
I'm really pleased to see how a famous designer used the same type of materials as I did for clothing. (see how the material for a part of the dress is really similar to the material Tonner used for the pantsuit for Birla?)
I foresee a lot of fun with Birla in the future, as although she came as a Viking, I think she's very versatile and will look great in modern outfits too. I can't wait to start sewing for her. (I bought quite a few patterns for her at the big Christmas patternsale at fletcherpatterncompany!)
I hope I will be able to get her another friend, before they will sell out completely, as Tonner announced just before Christmas that all fashion dolls from their company will be discontinued.
So happy that your Birla reached you. She is a beauty.