Last thursday a 'new' Daisy doll arrived, a lovely sidepart, which is one of the dolls of the later era, the'80s. After giving her a nice bath on saturday, I decided such a lovely dolly deserved a special outfit, so she's wearing Cinders now. I only need the belt for this outfit, but even withouth belt I think it looks lovely.
Some of my other recent wins are this outfit, as long as I don't know the name I will call it the blue variant of Jive:
And then I had another variant of HeyDay arriving as well, it is the one with the small red flowers (on the right in the picture). The hats of the 2 outfits with read flowers are not original, I bought them in a craftstore, and they will have to do, until I find the original ones.:
As far as I know I only have 1 more variant of HeyDay to hunt down now, which has small orange, brown, white and yellow flowers. There's a picture of it on Helene's fabby website
Woohoo!!!! I finally finished the Geisha updo on Jas' !!!!!!! I started on it after my first Pippa convo (in Farnborough). Dianna got me inspired and has a great 'how to- section' on her website. Well, the first step of rerooting Jas wasn't that hard, but after that I needed to make a 'donut' for the Geisha updo. I asked Dianna, and she and Lisa showed me how to do it on the next convo, in Plymouth! After that, when I arrived home I was already busy with turning Tammie into a mermaid and when she was ready there were so many other things that took up my time and attention that I never got round to working on it. Until I got a bug, about 4 weeks ago.... I had a terrible flu and I'm still recovering. Upside of this is, I didn't have the energy to do much so I grabbed my box with reroot projects and started working on them, boy, I really enjoy this much more than all the boring tasks a mum sometimes has to do... So I tried to finish Penny, but I still need some new bags of hair to finish her (and work on other projects again,lol) Also I've been rerooting a doll for the next convention, to be held in May of this year. That one is on her way to Tracy Farrant who will style her hair and pretty her up. Than I did another reroot, Rosie turned into Mariposa, as per request of my daughters, she still needs styling..... And of course I came across Jasmine, so I tried sewing a donut for her. It was too big, so I might hold on to it and try if it works for a Disco Girl (I think Dee, but I keep forgetting their names...):
So I had to have a second try and this time I thought it was ok:
When I had finished sewing enough hair around the donut I realised I needed to buy straws and hairspray.
Bought that on monday, and today I finally finished her.
The kimono is a pressie from the lovely Lisa! Thanks so much Lisa, hope you like the final result.
Today I received some very much and long wanted items, the Mary Quant Daisy doll Paper doll books number 2 and 4. I already had number 2, but not all of the outfits, so it is lovely that it's now complete! The other one, book number 4 , I had been looking for for years, so I'm completeley over the moon I've now got it! I haven't scanned or photographed them yet, and mine are loose, but I had a cd from the Jenny Bloomfield collection, on which she has the images of everything that is in the books and those books she scanned are mint! Here's the front cover of book number 2:
There's another work in progress!!!! I started building a dollshouse 1:12 scale. The first step:
After that I was worrying about having an electrical system, which was holding me back to work on it, so I finally decided to just go withouth it. The kitchen got a white and blue tile floor and the livingroom got a 'wooden' flooring. The hallway still needs the flooring. Hopefully I can do something about that this week.
Ok I still have a couple of projects going on. One of them is restoring a Penny. This is how the poor girl looked when I got her:
So the first thing I did was treating her with benzoyl peroxide. I just received a lovely corset outfit from Tracy F when Penny had finished her bleaching treatment, so this was how she looked after that:
I took her with me to Plymouth, where the same Tracy Farrant gave her new make-up:
Now I just need to buy another package of midnight black to finish her reroot but I can already see how she's going to be:
As always there was a goodie bag at the convo and everyone contributed lovely stuff to it.
yellow dress and slippers by Janet P, fridge magnet by Julieanne, keyring by Dianna, little red dress by Lisa, 'snakeskin' bag by Leandra, teddy's by Tracy P , bookmark by Nicky R., and scooter by Louise.
Blue ensemble by Elaine and Suey, white sundress by Chris, red bag by Claire, paper dress by Jeni and elastic bands by ???
Boots, coathangers and jewelry by Peggy C, t-shirt by Peggy H, undies by Jo, hat and scarfset by Lorraine L, red and white dress by JoJo. Peggy C also donated one of her lovely poodles, but mine went to a friend who wasn't able to attend the convo.
Jewelry by Mandy B, blue dress by Vickie and Sea Witch dress and chain by Karen, glasses I think by Jude.
The pink bag was holding the jewelry of Mandy B., mugs and coasters by Jude, Caroline, Babs, Mandy W, Maxine and me.
By the end of september 2010 a lovely friend of me who lives in New Zealand spotted an auction with princess Pippa in it, and asked me if I was interested. Just around that time there was a lot of chatting about pale haired princesses at pippaclub. So I had a look at the auction and felt somewhere deep inside me that this COULD be a pale haired princess. My friend bidded for me and won her at such a cheap price I could hardly believe it. Here's the auction picture: After a while she arrived at my friend who thought she was quite bewitching. And she confirmed that yes, it is a pale haired princess!!!! WOOHOO!!!! I had to be patient but somewhere in november or december she arrived. And just last week I took some pictures of her: