Woohoo!!!! I finally finished the Geisha updo on Jas' !!!!!!!
I started on it after my first Pippa convo (in Farnborough). Dianna got me inspired and has a great 'how to- section' on her website. http://www.diannas-dollsbydesign.com/
Well, the first step of rerooting Jas wasn't that hard, but after that I needed to make a 'donut' for the Geisha updo. I asked Dianna, and she and Lisa showed me how to do it on the next convo, in Plymouth!
After that, when I arrived home I was already busy with turning Tammie into a mermaid and when she was ready there were so many other things that took up my time and attention that I never got round to working on it.
Until I got a bug, about 4 weeks ago.... I had a terrible flu and I'm still recovering.
Upside of this is, I didn't have the energy to do much so I grabbed my box with reroot projects and started working on them, boy, I really enjoy this much more than all the boring tasks a mum sometimes has to do...
So I tried to finish Penny, but I still need some new bags of hair to finish her (and work on other projects again,lol)
Also I've been rerooting a doll for the next convention, to be held in May of this year. That one is on her way to Tracy Farrant who will style her hair and pretty her up.
Than I did another reroot, Rosie turned into Mariposa, as per request of my daughters, she still needs styling.....
And of course I came across Jasmine, so I tried sewing a donut for her. It was too big, so I might hold on to it and try if it works for a Disco Girl (I think Dee, but I keep forgetting their names...):

So I had to have a second try and this time I thought it was ok:

When I had finished sewing enough hair around the donut I realised I needed to buy straws and hairspray.

Bought that on monday, and today I finally finished her.

The kimono is a pressie from the lovely Lisa! Thanks so much Lisa, hope you like the final result.
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