So, yesterday, the 23rd of May, was this years Pippa convention.
As I mentioned in my earlier blogpost, I arrived at Heathrow on friday afternoon, around 4.15.
I had been trying to figure out the best way to get to Theobalds Park from there, and with a little help from my friends, I had decided to take the Piccadily line up to Finsbury Park, changed over there to the Victorialine for one stop to Seven Sisters, and I had the train from there to Theobalds Grove. I just missed the connection up there, so had to wait for almost half an hour, but that wasn't really a big deal, compared to the time I always have to spend waiting at the airport.
At Theobalds Grove I was trying to stop a cab, but it took quite a while before I got one. Meanwhile Sue and her mum showed up, so we ended up sharing the taxi. Just a short drive from the station to the hotel, so we arrived there around 7.30 pm.
I had a nice room at the second floor, so just dropped off my stuff there, managed to log in to the hotel wifi, and went back down, as I was quite hungry by that time.
I ordered some food, and spend the evening catching up with my Pippa friends, lots of laughing, and after a while also a bit of crying when we were talking about something painful in my personal life. I love my friends for being those lovely understanding ladies who are just there, either for a laugh or a cry or both. xxx
At last it was really time to go to bed.
As usual, I woke up early on convention day, and as I still had lots of time, I decided to have a nice relaxing bath. I had a quite enjoyable breakfast and finally went back to my room, checked all my stuff to take with me to the convo, and also had to check out, as I had only booked for 1 night.
While we were waiting in the lounge until it was time we were allowed into the convention room, I had a nice chat with some more of my Pippa friends, and I started knotting plugs for a reroot.
Finally we were alllowed in, lots of excitement!
The convention dolls, already in a corner of the room |
I had been making up a couple of oufits for sale, earlier this year, so I even got some space at the sales table this year.
The prize table was just loaded with goodies
And there was a special dolls prize table this year as well
Of course there were the themed displays
Redheads |
And so to bed |
And the competitions:
Garden Party |
Mad Hatters Tea Party |
2 of my lovely friends:
table with competition prizes:
When everyone was settled, Karen started the programme:
It was a very special day, especially for Lil' Pip, as it was her birthday, and Louise made her a very yummie b'day cake:
After the singing, we started on a mini make competition, we were all going to decorate a sinamay hat, lots of ribbons , small buttons, roses, and a box loaded with fabrics were all there, so all that was needed was some inspiration.
Here's the picture of my finished result:
And all the other ones:
Of course we had a little lunch break too:
After lunch some more excitement when we got to choose our prize table doll, I managed to get me a beautiful doll by Peggy:
Lots of fun with Suey's Pippa Bingo (yummie jellybeans to use for our bingo cards!), and after that another special moment, the official presentation of the convention doll:
Once again an amazing doll!
Still more fun to be had, Julieanne had a very interesting talk about doll photography, And Dianna, showed us how to sew for Pippa and gave us lots of patterns as well:
So many more rounds of prize table draws, and the goodie bags, and also the awards for the winners of the competition, everything was really fantastic!
Well done for the team on organizing such a great event! I think we all had a blast!
All too soon I had to leave, as I had to catch my train, special thanks to Mandy B, for driving me up to the airport, and to Mandy W, for massaging me when my shoulder was playing up again.....
I had an extra security check at the airport (was it all the dollies in my suitcase and my handbag?), but I was one of the first passengers for boarding, so all went excellent. When the plane was almost ready to take off, they found out an extra suitcase had been boarded, so they had to unload and find out which one didn't belong on our flight. Of course that meant a bit of delay, so I finally arrived at Schiphol airport around 11.30 instead of 11 pm. My husband was waiting there for me, and we took the train home. Thanks so much to mum and dad who stayed at our home with the kids, so my husband could pick me up.
Of course we had to chat a bit, and I had to show some of my stuff to them when I got home, so I rolled into bed around 2.30!